Mobile environmental unit
This mobile environmental unit can be used for environmental testing of components and assemblies. It heats air, cools air and humidifies. The unit is connected to a chamber supplied by the user and the fan recirculates air, enabling the enclosure to be heated, cooled and humidified.
- Temperature range -50°C to +200°C.
- Set point demand from 10-turn potentiometer or programmable from Eurotherm™ controller.
- Heating capability: 900 watt using enclosed electrical elements.
- Cooling by liquid nitrogen vaporisation. The user’s liquid nitrogen supply from a standard Dewer is connected to the nitrogen inlet control valve.
- Humidity generated from heated reservoir vaporising water. Reservoir capacity: 2 litres.
- Re-circulating fan: 300m3 per hour.
- Air inlet/outlet ports 100mm diameter.
- Electrical supply requirements: 230VAC, 50Hz, 13 amp. (Other versions available.)